Parks and Facilities
Caledon Trailway
Spanning Caledon from Terra Cotta to Palgrave, this 35 km multi-use trail follows an abandoned rail line built in 1877.
Contact Town of Caledon for a printed trails map, or check out the interactive version.
The Caledon Trailway is a multi-use trail: no motorized vehicles (except mobility-assist devices). Walkers & cyclists must yield to horseback riders. Cyclists must use a bell, horn or voice when approaching others. Use care when crossing roads. Excellent for cycling, walking and horseback riding.
We ask that equestrians refrain from using the Trailway in early spring to prevent damage to the trail surface.
The full length of the Trailway is part of the Greenbelt Cycling Route, and from Inglewood to Palgrave is part of The Great Trail (formerly Trans Canada Trail). At Inglewood The Great Trail goes north along the Trail Link (on-road) to Forks of the Credit Provincial Park where it joins the Elora Cataract Trailway. East of Palgrave, The Great Trail continues on the New Tecumseth Trail.
Parking for at least a few cars is found at most road crossings. Larger parking areas are found at: Gore Road north of Old Church Road, Caledon East (Town facilities lots on Old Church Road), Ken Whillans RMA on Highway 10, east side of McLaughlin Road in Inglewood, and on Winston Churchill Blvd near Terra Cotta.
Seasonal portalets are found in Inglewood and Caledon East. Stone benches are placed in many locations along the Trailway. To inquire about donating a Trailway bench: